Best of the Bach E6: Girls Gone Wild meets The Badgelor!

arts editor

The sun is rising on another day of Badgy’s daily vlogs  Nick Cummin’s love-filled adventure.

Today’s activity involved a massive heart shaped hot-air-balloon – pretty standard for a first date, yeah?

He picks a girl called Rhiannon who I swear has never been mentioned, and other than having a Fleetwood Mac song title as her name it’s hard to see her relevance.

After the ride, Badgy pipes up: “Up there you can see a lot more than down here. It might have something to do with the altitude.” His intelligence continues to astound me.

Badgy totally stole Brit’s idea of bringing a list of D&M worthy questions ... okay let’s stop pretending they come up with these ideas themselves.

He asks her what love means to her and she essentially has a meltdown and becomes a MESS. She then asks him if he wants a kiss – providing the most awkward TV moment since Steve Harvey called the wrong name at the Miss Universe finals.

Generally, if the guy responds, “that’s a tough one” regarding a kiss, that’s not exactly ideal … She then BREAKS THE FOURTH WALL and asks the producer if the date is done.

I love this girl.

Later she has a discussion with the producer about the technique of leaning in – this is not what he signed up for! Why is the intern not handling this?

Anyway, the group kicks off and Brit wonders where they are going. Bit of a worry when she’s the one driving.

Romy is frothing the fact that they are camping – almost as much as she frothed Nick’s earlobe that one time.

Hold your horses, OSHIE IS IN A T-SHIRT. Unsure what to make of life anymore – that man belongs in a suit.

He reveals one girl won’t return to the mansion. They are leaving her in the forest – it will be a bachelor-meets-survivor type of episode.

During her one-on-one with Badgy, Vanessa explains to him he isn’t really that hot. God. Bless. Her. He looks bewildered. OSHIE TOLD ME THESE GIRLS WERE HIRED TO ADORE ME!!!

He calls for help but Osh was experiencing suit withdrawal symptoms and has returned home.

That night evil minion Romy crawls into Badgy’s swag but this raunchy escapade only lasts 10 minutes ... we are all judging Badgy just a little.  

During Cass’s time with Badgy there are a bunch of horses nearby. One might think they are going riding. WRONG. Much like the feisty alpacas last week they are present as spectators.

Luckily, like any seasoned camper, the girls brought their cocktail dresses along. Then, the greatest tragedy of the series occurs: Our beloved sun is made to set (Vanessa goes home).  

Rather than pretend to like the others, she marches straight past like the sassy alpaca she is. Everyone else moves one step closer to a single date that will no doubt be watched by a pod of dolphins or something.