MojoTV: Gold medal theft hits Rio Paralympics champion

The theft of two prized Rio Paralympics gold medals from a Monash athlete is the lead story in an action-packed final MojoTV episode of this year. Reports feature stories on sport, culture and music, as well as scenes from the first annual Mojo awards night. 

The MojoTV crew
Reporters: Matt Johnson, Yiqiong Shang, Will Zwar, Georgia Gibson, Gerard Escaich Folch, Matt Hooy, Mathew Andreazza and Matt Balmer
Deputy Editor (Broadcast): Tess Ikonomou
Mojo TV Executive Producer and director: Ashleigh Paholek 
Mojo TV Associate Producer: Will Zwar
Production Assistant and autocue: Matt Hooy
Presenters: Matt Johnson and Georgia Gibson 
Vision: Matilda Boseley 
Sound: Chloe Strahan