New president after MONSU leadership spill

politics editor

MONSU Caulfield has a new president after Ziqi Han was replaced by activities officer Bryn Dodson on Tuesday.  

Vice-president Yangdonxue Liu was also replaced by last year’s activities officer Fintan Dowling.

MONSU has not released exact detail on the reasons for the changes, however, Mr Dodson confirmed in an interview with MOJO yesterday that Ms Han and Ms Liu were removed after taking extended sick leave.

The sudden leadership change was announced in a post on MONSU Caulfield’s Facebook page on Wednesday.

“MONSU Caulfield would like to congratulate and welcome your new President, Bryn Dodson and new Vice President, Fintan Dowling who have taken over the vacant positions!” the post said.

The announcement was the latest in a spate of replacements and resignations that have seen seven of the 12 office-bearing positions changed from the original ticket, in only the last six months.

The MONSU council is currently controlled by the party Unite, which has traditionally run a majority international student ticket, focusing on international student issues.

However, four of the seven position changes have seen international students replaced with domestic students.

Mojo editor Matilda Boseley discussed these changes, and their implications in an exclusive interview with Mr Dodson. Watch the video HERE.